Our Recovery Programme
Moving On offers a 4 phase modular Recovery programme - FREE to anyone living in Inverclyde.
Each phase has its own purpose and theme, and individuals can access and leave at any point relevant to their own journey. In addition to this, we have various physical and mental health and wellbeing activities available to everyone.
Phase 1 - Hope (early intervention and engagement through small group and one to one sessions)
Preparation for people intending to access full programme.
Nominated keyworker.
Introduction to Recovery programme
One-to-one support available for anyone unable to access group sessions
Phase 2 - Change (recovery skills and personal resilience in group work and one to one sessions)
Transforming negative thinking patterns into positive ones
Understanding and managing behaviours
Improving motivation and goal setting
Establishing structure and routine
Improving social networks.
Phase 3 - Motivation (linking into community activities and engagement with peer support sessions and one to one's)
Connecting with the Community
improving life skills, interpersonal skills and self-efficacy
Increasing connectedness with the wider community
Actively promoting and attending local groups, partner agencies and other local resources.
Activities in Phase 3 are delivered together with various partner agencies, to help explore and plan routes to:
Vocational training
Employability skills training
Volunteering and community activities and engagement
Phase 4 - Resilience (optional ongoing support including peer support, employability skills and SMART meetings)
Post-programme support for up to 6 months
Optional one-to-one support
Access to SMART Recovery Meetings
Support with employability options with access to the IT Suite
Peer support training and skills development