Mary’s story
Mary is a 48 divorced female, who lives with her long term partner and 19 year old Son. Mary’s oldest Son died suddenly 3 years ago and her Mother died 18 months ago. Mary does not have any additional family support and felt Socially Isolated. Mary was employed in the past but hasn’t worked in several years; after a formal diagnosis of Depression and her Poor Emotional Health was related to grief and loss. Mary reported social anxiety, Low Self Esteem and Negative Coping Strategies .
Mary had a lot of Mental and Physical Issues related to her sporadic use of Prescription Drugs which she purchased from neighbours. Mary reported using painkillers (over the counter) and anti depressants (Prescribed) occasional alcohol use and daily cannabis use. Mary reported problems got bigger since her Son’s death. Mary was unknown to drug treatment services. Mary was on a waiting list for Bereavement Counselling; however it could take up to six months before she could be seen.
After Self Referring herself to Moving On, Mary and her key worker began to work on a Treatment Plan which covered her Personal Needs. Her Treatment outcomes were :-
· Stop Using Drugs
· Reduce her Alcohol Use to recommended limits of 14 units.
· Develop Self Assertiveness, Resilience, Anxiety Management and Communication skills.
During treatment Mary reported Increased Confidence in her Recovery Goals, improved Family Relationships, Reduction in Anxiety and Improvement in mood. Mary reduced her alcohol use, stopped using Drugs, including Cannabis. Mary felt more comfortable in social and group settings and reported Improved Physical Health and Self Esteem. Mary began grief counselling while attending Moving On, she also took IT lessons to enable her to make and keep in contact with her wider family who live out with Inverclyde for on-going family support.